John McCain
McCain comments on the potential of nuclear fusion as a solution for clean energy:
Interviewer John: There was a major nuclear fusion energy breakthrough recently announced that could lead to a source of safe, unlimited, carbon-free energy in the future with no meltdowns or nuclear waste. While there is still much work to be done, when do you see the widespread use of this new fusion technology?
McCain talks about his life on the other side:
Interviewer John: Switching gears, we’d like to ask about the kinds of things you might be doing on the other side. Are you active with respect to helping or influencing things happening on Earth?
Nikola Tesla
Tesla talks about the potential of nuclear fusion as a solution for clean energy, and his view on the global effort around energy solutions happening now:
Interviewer John: We are in the process of a clean energy transition, as agreed to in the Paris Agreement. The top three renewable energy sources are solar, wind turbines, and hydropower. And then there is nuclear energy. Many experts agree that nuclear energy will need to play an important role in our transition to clean energy. From your perspective as a man who was very concerned with energy sources and the environment, what is your opinion about nuclear energy as we know it now, as an option?
Interviewer John: Is there a technology that the world is missing, with respect to clean energy?
Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
A noted investor in his time, Clemens comments on how energy ventures should be supported:
Interviewer John: There was a major nuclear fusion energy breakthrough recently announced that could lead to a source of safe, unlimited, carbon-free energy in the future with no meltdowns or nuclear waste. But this technology is still very early. I know you were not a scientist. But from your vantage point, as an investor, would you look at nuclear fusion technology as something promising that the world’s governments and emerging technology private companies should be investing in?
Clemens provides interesting insights into what he is doing on the other side, including his focus on a topic much different topic than energy…gun violence:
Interviewer John: As a famous author and a man who was well-known globally, you touched many people. Can you share what types of activities you are doing on the other side?
Jacques Cousteau
Cousteau talks about the enormous problem of plastics pollution happening in the oceans and on the coast, with some comments about upcoming breakthroughs:
Interviewer Carolyn: Approximately 60-95 percent of the waste currently in the ocean is plastics. Some statistics show that less than 10 percent of plastic products produced have ever been recycled. Most plastics take between 500 to 1,000 years to degrade, even then, they form into micro-plastics that do not fully degrade and are consumed by sea life, and then human life. Other than limiting use of plastics, especially single-use plastics, what would you like the readers here to do about this other than reusing items and recycling them, and volunteering to help clean up beaches and rivers that lead to oceans?
Cousteau shares what he is doing on the other side, and his thoughts on the potential of the younger generation with respect to our oceans:
Interviewer Carolyn: I’d now like to talk about what you are doing on the other side. Can you tell us if you are part of a scientific working group, or a think tank, on the other side where you are collaborating with others?
Albert Einstein
Einstein, the most identified inventor of our time regarding nuclear energy, talks about the potential of nuclear fusion vs. fission:
Interviewer John: Eighty percent of global energy still comes from fossil fuels and many experts agree that nuclear energy will need to play an important role in the transition to clean energy. As you look at nuclear as a clean energy technology, do you think it is necessary to help us reach the 2050 net-zero carbon goal?
Mohandas Gandhi
Gandhi talks about the state of the planet, and the spiritual reason for what is occurring now:
Interviewer Carolyn: We wanted to talk with you today because your writings were full of thoughts on nature and the environment and we would like to discuss how Gandhian principles can be applied to not only serve and heal Mother Earth, but also to help readers find ways to feel hopeful and optimistic as we heal our planet. Can you please give us your thoughts on the state of the planet as you see it from your perspective on the other side?
Gandhi provides messages of hope regarding Mother Earth:
Interviewer Carolyn: Do you have a message of hope regarding Mother Earth that you’d like to share with the readers?
Saint Francis
Saint Francis talks about the need to think about Earth as a soul and how we can start to heal the planet:
Interviewer John: It is unfortunate that the Earth is having to go through such a terrible time. Do you have hope for humanity that we will figure this out in time before the damage is irreversible?
Saint Francis talks about the work he is doing on the other side:
Interviewer John: Regarding the angry Earth, and what the humans are doing to the planet, causing global warming and climate change, are you doing any work to influence people, to help them perceive the Earth differently? Is that part of your work?
Wayne Dyer
Dr. Wayne Dyer offers guidance for those who are feeling helpless, or even hopeless about Mother Earth:
Interviewer John: People know that they can recycle, stop buying single-use plastics, drive electric vehicles, reduce their carbon footprint, etc., all these tactical things. But what guidance do you have for the readers who are still feeling helpless, powerless, and even hopeless about the situation? How can they shift from pessimism to optimism and break those attachments to gloom and doom?
Dr. Dyer talks about what readers can do right now to effect change:
George H.W. Bush
A former US president shares his messages of hope to those who are deeply concerned about our planet:
Interviewer Carolyn: Before we move on to your life on the other side, do you have a message of hope that you would like to leave with the readers in terms of global warming and climate change?
Bush shares what he is up to on the other side:
Interviewer John: Can you share the types of things that you enjoy and what your areas of focus are on the other side? Are you active with respect to helping or influencing things happening on Earth?